
Mr. Michael Muskett and his wife Doreen have been leading figures in the modern renaissance of the Hurdy Gurdy. They first published their excellent Method in1979 and it has become the standard work in English for the instrument. The third revised edition is now available and comprises:

* History of the Hurdy Gurdy
* How to string, tune and set up the instrument, including the "trompette"
* Guidance on left hand fingering systems
* A series of eight lessons on the special right hand trompette technique * Carefully graded excersises
* 100 music examples
* 104 pages, with more than 50 pictures and diagrams
* Guide to choosing an instrument, from the mediaeval symphony to the lute-backed vielle
* Demonstration cassette also available (1982 edition) £6.00inc


urdy-gurdy Method 3rd edition 1998 ISBN 0946993076  by Doreen Muskett    £25.00

with Supplement on the coup de poignet


A CD to accompany the tutor is available at £ 12  ( post free with the tutor )

The Method is now also available as a French edition : Methode de Vielle 1985 ISBN 0946993 01 7 Price £25

Postage extra.

Other publications are available from Muskett Music. For further details, contact Michael  :

47, Tudor Gardens, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes. MK11 1HX  Tel 01908 565339  Email:


I can personally recommend two delightful books of 18thC. duets. Chosen and presented by Guy Casteuble, they are simply entitled "Musiques en duo pour Vielles a Roue" collections one and two. They are published by Fuzeau and I bought mine from: Baker Music,2-4 Crown Close,London E3 2JQ. Tel. 081 9830947 Fax 081 983 0970.

There can't be many enthusiasts who have not come across the "Massif Central" tunebooks 1&2 compiled by Mel Stevens.
Published by Dragonfly Music, they are an invaluable source of the music of central France.
ISBN 1 872277 05 5 and ISBN 1 872277 12 8.
For those who like to play by ear, I have recorded the entire contents of both books on two minidiscs or cds (on sequenced piano ). They cost £8.00 each plus £1.50 Postage for either or both.

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